How should couples get started?

Preliminary consultation and diagnosis

Call us on +45 76 24 50 20 or send an email to

You can also complete your contact information here on the website. We’ll then make an appointment for a preliminary consultation with one of our doctors. You don’t need a referral from your GP, as we’re a private clinic.

The consultation takes around an hour and also includes an ultrasound scan of the woman’s ovaries and uterus.

If you’ve previously undergone treatment for infertility, we’d like a copy of your medical records (treatment forms and embryo development charts) sent to us. We also ask you to complete an information form. We kindly request that this information is submitted to us in good time prior to the consultation in order to enable us to be as well prepared as possible before we meet you.

If you haven’t previously had any treatment for infertility, we’ll begin by finding out which type of treatment would be best for you.

During the consultation a plan for treatment will be presented and you’ll receive relevant patient information and prescriptions for medicine.

We can offer you the following types of treatment:

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Should we call you

It’s free and with no obligations

Get started today

Fertilitetsklinik IVF-SYD
Skærbækvej 4
DK-7000 Fredericia

Tlf.: +45 76 24 50 20

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